Goodbye at Home

Euthanasia Services

In-Home Euthanasia Services

Euthanasia Service Area and Appointments

Dr. Linda is located just west of Weatherford, Texas, and serves Fort Worth, Weatherford and surrounding areas. She can be contacted by phone, text or email, and responds to messages as quickly as possible. Texting is the most reliable way to make sure she gets your message. Dr. Linda understands the significance of the decision to euthanize a beloved pet and is flexible when it comes to arranging a time to come to your home. Evening or Sunday services are sometimes available at an additional cost.

Two image of a person together with their dog facing the sun over ocean considering Goodbye at Home pet euthanasia fort worth.

Dr. Linda’s schedule fills up quickly.

If you think you may be needing her services, she recommends scheduling an appointment as far in advance as possible. That way you know you have her time reserved so that she is available for you. If the appointment time gets closer and it does not feel like the time is right, all you have to do is call and cancel. A 24 hour notice is appreciated so she can open that time spot to someone else in need. She would rather have you schedule something and cancel than to find that you need her services when she is on another call and unavailable. Sometimes you don’t know ahead of time and the need is more urgent. Just call or text Dr. Linda and she will let you know her soonest available time. Because of the nature of this work, she can sometimes help you the same day, and other times is booked several days out so if you’re getting close, it’s best to check in and find out her current schedule.


In-Home Euthanasia

Fee icon

In Home Euthanasia Fee


$475 for up to 20 miles driving distance from Weatherford

$500 for 21-25 miles
$525 for 26-30 miles
$550 for 31-35 miles
​$575 for 36-40 miles

$600 for 41-45 miles

Additional fee icon

Additional Fees

Urgent Appointment $50 (if available)
Sunday $150 (if available)
Evening Appointment (between 4:30 and 6:00 pm) $100 (if available)
Dogs over 100 pounds $50


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